Chapter 20 ap bio study guide answers
Chapter 20 ap bio study guide answers

And individual lion by itself, is in the end, still a single organism. For example, a pride of lions is a population because it has multiple lions living in a specific area. "Populations are made of organisms of the same species living in a specific area" (Explanation: While organisms have only one distinct individual, populations have multiple distinct individuals. An organ system by itself cannot survive and reproduce, but multiple organ systems together can survive and reproduce, thus making up an organism.)ħ. Complex organisms are made of organ systems that fulfill the different functions of the body required for the organism to survive, grow, and reproduce. "Organisms are made of organ systems that altogether make up a single living thing" (Explanation: Individual things are called organisms. Altogether, this system is called the cardiorespiratory system and has the larger function of cells of the body with oxygen and removing waste products.)Ħ. The blood vessels of the body provide pathways for the blood to be pumped by the heart, and the lungs have to take in oxygen. "Organ systems are groups of organs that cooperate to perform a larger action" (Explanation: While the heart does have the function of pumping blood through the circulatory system, it cannot truly perform its job without the role of other organs. It is made of many types of tissue that play smaller functions, but they collectively form an organ with a more profound function.)ĥ. For example, the heart, which is made of many kinds of tissue, plays the role of pumping blood through the circulatory system. "Organs consist of multiple tissues that collectively carry out a function in the body" (Explanation: While a tissue is a group of cells that perform a single specific function, an organ is a group of tissues that play a larger function in the body. "Tissues are a group of cells that collectively perform a specialized function" (Explanation: Cells in tissues work together in order to perform a task, such as cells in the skeletal muscle tissues that move your arm by contracting and lengthening.)Ĥ. The Endoplasmic Reticulum is an organelle that is responsible for synthesizing the biomolecules require to grow the cell, such as proteins and lipids.)ģ. DNA must be replicated in order to pass on genes to offspring, and the nucleus is responsible for carrying that out in this case. In eukaryotic cells, the nucleus carries out the replication of DNA during mitosis. "A cell consists of organelles performing the functions required for the cell to exist" (Explanation: All cells must carry out functions of life, such as reproduction. Chemical reactions and interactions between different molecules in organelles allow the organelle to perform its function, which is producing glucose in this case.)Ģ. For example, chlorophyll in chloroplasts plays the role of the primary pigment during photosynthesis. "An organelle is made of molecules collectively performing a specialized function" (Explanation: Organelles are structures made of molecules that perform a task.

Chapter 20 ap bio study guide answers